Each year the Program invites scholars with established records as well as scholars who have recently received their doctorates to apply for appointments as Visiting Fellows, Associate Research Scholars, and Postdoctoral Research Associates. Scholars in the James Madison Program pursue their own research and writing, participate in courses, seminars and colloquia, and contribute to the intellectual life of the Department of Politics and Princeton University.
The James Madison Program invites college and university professors and other professionals with established records of scholarship to apply for appointments as Visiting Fellows for the academic year. One-semester appointments are possible but not preferred. Among the research fellowships offered is the…
Early-career scholars without ongoing positions, who have recently received their Ph.D. degree, may apply for fully funded, 12-month Postdoctoral Research Associate appointments for the year. Applicants are expected to be in residence for the duration of the appointment, and are expected to devote full time to their…
The James Madison Society is an international community of scholars whose research contributes significantly to civic education in institutions of higher learning. Upon completion of the fellowship year, Visiting Fellows and Postdoctoral Research Associates are inducted into the James Madison Society.