Postdoctoral Research Associates

Early-career scholars without ongoing positions, who have recently received their Ph.D. degree, may apply for fully funded, 12-month Postdoctoral Research Associate appointments for the year. Applicants are expected to be in residence for the duration of the appointment, and are expected to devote full time to their proposed research.  They are also encouraged to attend or participate in various activities of the Program, including faculty-graduate student seminars, colloquia, and public lectures. They may not be employed by another institution during the term of their Princeton appointment.  Postdoctoral fellowship applicants are subject to Princeton University’s background check policy.

Invitation for Postdoctoral Research Associate Applications

Learn how to apply for a Postdoctoral Research Associate.

Visiting & Postdoctoral Fellows

Meet this year's Visiting and Postdoctoral Fellows!

James Madison Society

The James Madison Society is an international community of scholars whose research contributes significantly to civic education in institutions of higher learning. Upon completion of the fellowship year, Visiting Fellows and Postdoctoral Research Associates are inducted into the James Madison Society.

Orientation and Reference Guide

This guide is designed to familiarize you with some of the day-to-day policies and procedures you may find helpful as you adjust to life at Princeton University.