Princeton University work experience
1992–2020 Senior Lecturer in Economics
1990 & 1991 Visiting Professor at Princeton University (Fall only)
Fairleigh Dickinson University work experience
1987–91 Tri-Campus Chairman, Department of Economics and Finance
1982 Professor of Economics
1977 Tenure awarded
1975 Associate Professor of Economics
1971 Assistant Professor of Economics
Financial industry employment
Independent Outside Trustee, Bancroft Convertible Fund, Audit Committee 1991-present, 1999-2009 Chair
Independent Outside Trustee, Ellsworth Convertible Growth and Income Fund, 1986–present Audit Committee 1986-present, 1999-2009 Chair
Director, Gabelli US Treasury Money Market Fund
Director, Gabelli Utility Trust
Director, Gabelli Equity Trust
Director, Gabelli Equity Series Funds, Audit Committee 2020-present
Director, Gabelli Dividend and Income Trust
Director, GAMCO Global Gold, Natural Resources and Income Trust
Administrative responsibilities at Fairleigh Dickinson University
Tri-Campus Chair, Department of Economics and Finance, 1987–91
Executive Committee, College of Business Administration
Director, Mennen Scholarship Program, 1987–92
Chair, Madison Campus, Department of Economics and Finance, 1981–84
Chair, Scholarships for Merit Committee, 1981, 1982
Chair, Campus Academic Planning Committee, 1978–79
Chair, Admissions Committee, 1975–76, 1979–82
Chair, Committee on Academic Standards, 1974
Director of the Honors Program, 1972–77
- Columbia University, Ph.D., 1971: Investment Plans and their Realization, dissertation was an econometric study of appropriations and capital expenditures by major durable goods industries. Fields of specialization included monetary theory, national income and business fluctuations, microeconomics and public policy.
- University of New Hampshire, M.A., 1967: concentrated in quantitative economics.
- Wellesley College, B.A., 1966: equivalent of a major in theoretical mathematics as well as an economics major.
Honors and awards
Princeton University: Richard E. Quandt Teaching Prize, 1997, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020
Fairleigh Dickinson University:
- First University-wide Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1987
- Alumni Best Teacher Award, 1986
- Student Senate Outstanding Teacher Award
National Science Foundation Fellowships, 1969, 1970, 1971
Columbia University President’s Fellow, 1969, 1970
Earhard Fellow, 1968, 1969
National Science Foundation Traineeship, 1967
Special Honors in Economics, 1966
Distinction on the General Examination, Wellesley College’s comprehensives Mayling Soong Award for paper on the economic development of Thailand, 1966
The Annual Academic Prize of the University of New Hampshire’s Graduate Economics Program is the Elizabeth C. Bogan Award
“Asymmetries in Short Selling of Exchange-Traded Funds and the Potential for Systemic Risk,” with Andrew A. Bogan, Brendan Connor, and Thomas R. Bogan, The Journal of Index Investing, Spring 2012, Vol. 2, No. 4: pp. 74-83.
“Can an ETF Collapse?” Financial Times blog September, 2010.
“China and the United States: Partners in the World’s Future” Princeton Asia Review Winter 2008.
“Debating Workers’ Rights,” The Princeton Tory, March 2001, 10–12 (cover story).
“The Life of a Pedagogue in a Research Institute,” CSWEP Newsletter, Fall 1999. “101 Uses for a Life Sciences Ph.D.” correspondence, Nature, October 15, 1998.
“Challenges in Teaching Large Economics Classes,” International Advances in Economic Research, 2:1, February, 1996.
“The United States Needs an ITC for Education,” Challenge, May–June,1993.
“Economics of the Wider Family,” Wider Families: New Traditions Family Forms, Binghamton, NY: Hayworth Press, Marriage and Family Review, 17:1/2, 1991, 9–27.
Macroeconomics: Theories and Applications with Joseph Kiernan, St. Paul, MN: West Publishing, 1987.
“Is the U.S. Off the Inflation-Unemployment Spiral?” International Business Conditions Digest, October, 1983.
“Individual Retirement Accounts and Pre-retirement Savings Goals,” with T.R. Bogan, Financial Analyst Journal, November/December, 1982.
“Economics in the American Classroom–-What Are We Teaching? What Should Be Taught?” with J.R. Clark, Journal of Social Studies, November/December, 1982.Invited short article on Individual Retirement Accounts, Financial Analysts Journal, May/June, 1983.
Other professional activities
- Developed and taught Princeton Alumni course, “Issues Today: Economics and Public Policy,” Fall 2001.
- Organized session on teaching for Atlantic Economic Society and gave paper, “Challenges in Teaching Large Economic Classes,” Fall1995.
- Developed and taught alumni course, “Changes in the American Economy,” for Princeton University Class of 1946, Fall 1993.
- Organized session for the Eastern Economics Association’s Spring meeting, 1993. Session title: Award Winning Teachers–-What Do They Do? Presented paper, “Teaching Productivity.”
- Syllabus for Teacher’s Guide for Advanced Placement (AP) Microeconomics.
- Presentation of paper, “The Economics of the Wider Family,” Eastern Economics Conference, March 1990.
- New Jersey Network TV Show, Focus, half-hour live interview on the Savings and Loan Industry, 1989.
Professional memberships
American Economic Association
International Atlantic Economic Association
Courses taught in the Undergraduate Program at Princeton University
Economics 100 Introduction to Microeconomics
Economics 101 Introduction to Macroeconomics
Economics 301 Intermediate Macroeconomics
Economics 370 American Economic History
Woodrow Wilson School 307 Economics and Public Policy now Public Economics
Junior Paper seminar in environmental economics
Princeton University activities
Committee on the Course of Study 1997–2000 and 2010 and 2016-17
Faculty Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid 2006-2009 and 2014
Faculty member on Disabilities Advisory Committee, 2007-2020
Faculty Representative to Undergraduate Life Committee, 2003 Faculty Adviser to Honors Committee
Keynote speaker, Class Day, June 1, 1999
Faculty Advisory Committee on Athletics, 1996–2000 Faculty Fellow to Crew 1999-2020
Forbes College Adviser 1992–2009
Faculty Fellow at Forbes College, 1992–2020 Faculty Fellow at Cloister Club, 1995-2000
Junior Paper Adviser
Senior Thesis Adviser